Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

News - September 2023- July 2024l

July 2024 

Year 6 held their annual bake off event. We ended up choosing another warm day but it was so worth it. Everyone turned up raring to go with their ingredients, equipment and carefully planned recipes. This year’s theme was… BOARD GAMES! After lots and lots of deliberation (and it was an incredibly hard choice this year), our 1st, 2nd and 3rd place were chosen! Well done to all bakers for another super set of creative and inventive cakes!


April 2024

A message from Warwickshire Family Information Service.

Free school meals not only provide your child with a free meal, children in reception to year 11 can also access the holiday activities and food (HAF) programme. Apply online:

Text reads “Free school meals” and includes 2 plates of example meals.

March 2024

Do you or someone you know have a small business and would like to have a stall at our Summer Festival?  Please contact our PSA.

We all love a cake sale!  Thank you to our PSA, the bakers and the volunteers for arranging this for us all.   A total of £296.79 was raised, amazing

The week before the Easter break is all about bonnets and eggs! 

Two of our children were busy  over the weekend taking part in the National Cross Country Finals. We are very proud of you.

January 2024

We would like to wish our School Community a Happy New Year.  We look forward to welcoming children back to school on Tuesday 8th January. 

Important information from Warwickshire schools... Children who apply late for their school place are much less likely to get a place at one of their preferred schools. Submit your Reception or Year 3 Junior school place application before 15 January:

December 2023

An amazing term and so much going on!  Thank you to all of our community.  For more information follow us on Twiiter/X and take a look at our class webpages.  We wish you a safe and happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you in January. 

Nursery & Reception thoroughly enjoyed their visit to the Macready Theatre to see ‘The Man Who Wanted To Be A Penguin’. They even learnt how to speak a few words in penguin!  Thank you to our PSA for paying for the transport to get them there. 

School is very busy sharing Christmas productions with Parents and Carers.  Thank you to everyone who came to support the children.  Thank you to our PSA for providing drinks and cake and for raising more funds for the school. 

Father Christmas (The Lions Club) and his elf visited all of our children in school.  Thank you to our PSA for providing a gift for every child. 

We have been informed that we will have a new crossing patrol!  For more information about the vacancy, please see the poster below. 

Our Before and After School Club are always very busy and they have updated their webpage, take a look...

Thank you to John from St Peter and St John Church who came into our assesmbly. He came to talk to us about Responsibility, the Advent Wreath and the meaning of each candle. It makes us all think," What are we responsible for?"

WOW!  Thank you to our PSA, Staff and everyone who made this an amazing fundraising event! £2295.00

November 2023 

Across school, classes have been sharing their amazing acheivements during their celebration assemblies.  Please see their webpages for more information. 

Nursery created a handprint kindness heart for anti-bullying week.

Dates for our Christmas performances have now be announced! Add them to your diary. 

Another fund raising event by our PSA and thank you all for your donations for Bags2School! 

Odd Socks Day marks the start of Anti-Bullying Week at Eastlands.  There will be lots of activities in school and our Anti Bullying Ambassadors will be leading an assembly. 

The Christmas Fayre preparations are being made by our PSA! If you can offer support, please let them know. See their webpage for more information about the raffle and no school uniform day. 


Can you help our PSA? 

In assembly and in our classrooms we have been thinking about Rememberance, remembering and feeling grateful.   Please see Twitter/X for more photographs.  

Thank you to our school community for donating to our local food bank for Harvest! 

October 2023 

Thank you to our children in Eco-Club club who have been enthusiastically picking up litter from around the school grounds.

Applying to secondary schools for 2024? It’s a good idea to visit the websites of the schools you are considering and go and visit them too if you can. For more useful tips on making an application, visit

We would like to thank one of our Reception children and their mummy for helping to tidy and plant in our garden! We think it looks fabulous and are always very grateful for parent support.

Upcoming event!

Thank you to all of the Parents and Carers that attended our Phonics workshop this afternoon. 

September 2023

Our PSA work really hard for our school. To see what they do, how it helps, how you can join and what is coming up, see their new letter on the website. 

For Harvest this year, we are again collecting food for our local foodbank.  We would be very grateful for any donations.  Please see our letter on our website for more information.  Thank you. 

We are going to the pantomime in December, oh no we are not, oh yes we are! For more information, see the letter on our website. Thank you to our PSA who will be paying for the coaches. 

We have lots of new children in school this half term.  Nursery, Reception, Year 5 and other classes.  To see what they have been doing, please visit the class wepages. Welcome to Eastlands Primary School Community!

It was lovely to see so many Parents and Carers in school to our meet the teacher event.  If you were unable to attend, please see the class webpages or see the teacher for the information that was shared. 

 Year 5 and 6 Parents and Carers, keep an eye on our Twitter X page as we will be sharing dates and times for Secondary school open events. 

We are starting our new school year with a staff development day.  We enjoyed our Read Write Inc training ready for the new term.  For more information about Read Write Inc see our webapge 


6th May - Secondary School Viewings For Year 5

Over the next few months, Rugby Secondary School will be holding open morning and evening events.  We will share these with you on here and on our Twitter feed.

8th May - The Big Help Out

Today, our PSA, Parents and our community, took part in the Coronation Big Help Out by working on our allotment.  The rain did not stop the volunteers.  A huge thank you to all of you.  

6th May -  Yorkshire Three Peak Challenge
In support of Cancer Research, some staff (past and present) undertook The Yorkshire Three Peaks walk today.  This is a challenging walk of about 24 miles.  Miss Guy, Mr Northedge, Miss Shipp, Mrs Spence, Miss Grubb, Mrs Edwards, Mr Batchelor and Mr Ellis were part of the team.  The Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge takes on the peaks of Pen-y-Ghent (694 metres), Whernside (736 metres) and Ingleborough (723 metres), usually in this order, and in under 12 hours. These hills form part of the Pennine range, and encircle the head of the valley of the River Ribble, in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.  Congratulations to everyone for completing the walk, what an amazing achievement and also they raised over £2,000.  

5th May - The Kings Coronation

Today in school, we celebrated the upcoming Kings Coronation.  We took part in activities in our classrooms and shared a celebratory lunch!  We even dressed up in our best for the occasion. 

4th May -Year 4 Residential

Today our Year 4 children have gone off to  York and they are staying overnight.  They will be visiting York Minster, taking part in activities at the youth hostel and visiting the Jorvik centre.  Follow their visit on our twitter page. @Eastlandsschool. 

28th April - Our Jay Foundation

We are delighted to tell you that Mrs Allen has sourced a defibrillator for the school and immediate community through the Our Jay Foundation. Naomi Issitt, the founder of the foundation is dedicated to getting as many defibrillators installed across the community in order to help save lives after losing her son, Jamie Rees, last year. As part of this project we have agreed to fundraise for the Our Jay Foundation to enable other venues to also source defibrillators. On
Friday 5th May we are asking children to wear smart clothes and an item of red, white or blue. (Blue is for Our Jay) Please could Eastlands families make a donation of about £1.00 (or more if you are able!) to raise money for the Our Jay Foundation. Thank you all for your support.

1st April - Happy Easter from all of us at Eastlands Primary School

13th March - Air Quality Campaign

Warwickshire County Council’s Road Safety Education Team and Eastlands Primary School have launched a campaign to improve the air quality around our school at the start and end of the day.   We are now encouraging everybody who travels by car to prevent idling by switching off your engine. Idling means leaving a car engine running whilst it is stationary. When stationary for more than 10 seconds please consider switching off your engine.

 According to Living Streets and the British Lung Foundation, there are several benefits to our children and families when we prevent idling:

  • By preventing the breathing in of harmful fumes from idling vehicles, we can reduce the risk of health problems such as lung and heart disease, strokes, and respiratory illnesses.
  • The average emissions of a passenger vehicle are 4.6 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year – by switching off your engine you can help to reduce this figure.
  • Drivers can save money by not wasting fuel when a car is switched on unnecessarily.

3rd March - World Book Day At Eastlands

20th February -  Competitions to enter over half term

Looking for something to do over half term?  We have 2 competitions to enter in our community. Tweet us if you enter! @eastlandsschool 


The Hillmorton & East Rugby Together Community Group (HEaRT) need your help! They would love you to create letters, poems or artwork to celebrate International Women’s Day at the Friendly Bench in Hillmorton. My Inspirational Women is... It could be a family member, someone in our community or someone famous. They will be displayed at Friendly Bench 4th – 8th March.  For more information click HERE

19th February - World Book Day Coming Soon!

World Book Day takes place on Thursday 2nd March 2023 and we hope you’ll join us as we come together to encourage every child in school to be a reader and love books. To celebrate World Book Day, we will have plenty of fun activities taking place throughout the day including: We would like to invite all children and parents/carers into school (to take place in your child’s classroom) for a Reading Workshop from 5:15pm-6pm on Thursday 2nd March. Come dressed in your P.J’s, share books and have some hot chocolate and biscuits too! We would like every child to bring in a favourite book to share with their peers and their teacher. For more information see our letter HERE.

Each child will bring home a voucher on World Book Day.

There are over30 fantastic FREE audiobooks to listen to on the World of Stories hub! There's something for everyone to enjoy.

For extra stories to share, visit for a wide variety of books! 

17th February - Bikeability

Today Year 3 and 4 had great fun doing their Level 1 Bikeability Training.  Through fun games the children now know how to master control of their cycle in preparation for cycling more off-road. They also know how to: Apply brakes to bring their cycle to a smooth and quick stop, Look behind over each shoulder while pedalling in a straight line, Pedal one handed in a straight line, Use gears, if their bike had them and avoid hazards. Well done to you all! We are very proud of each and every single one of you! A huge thank you to Holly and Samantha, our instructors too!   More photographs on the Year 3 class webpage.

16th February - The School Disco!

A school disco is not complete without all the classics: Macarena, Cha-Cha slide, the Conga & The Hokey Cokey! Thank you to our PSA Team for organising another great event!  

15th February Kindness Assembly with Father Phillip

Today Father Philip, form St Peter and St John Church came to talk to us about kindness. He asked what we understand kindness to be and how we can show kindness to others. We all listened intently whilst Father Philip told us the story of The Good Samaritan. We concluded it was good to be kind to everyone. Well done children and thank you Father Phillip.

13th February Year 5 and 6 Bikeability

Year 5 and Year 6 have enjoyed their Bikeability training today.  Starting in the playground today and venturing out onto the roads tomorrow.  Skills for life. 


13th January

Year 6 Leopards continue to take part in an onsite Outdoor Skills project on Friday afternoons, building their camaraderie and problem-solving abilities and developing bushcraft skills through safe working with tools and fire.  Take a look... 

13th January 

Mrs Warrington is always proud to award certificates to our Accelerated Reader Word Millionaires, as they recognise the achievement of students who have immersed themselves in the world of books and shown dedication to broadening their literary horizons. Congratulations on your fantastic achievement. 

11th January

Today our Year 5 children took part in a Young Voices event in BirminghamIt’s always such a magical event and this year’s Year 5’s did us so proud (with a teacher from another school who congratulated us on our behaviour). You’re all stars !  For photographs, visit the Year 5 webpage. 

11th January

Good morning Eastlands Community! We are recruiting support staff. Please see our vacancy webpage

11th January

Please support our PSA. 

PSA Meeting Monday 16th January 2023, 8pm The Bell Hillmorton! Grab yourself a drink and let them know you’re here for the PSA Meeting and they’ll let you know where to head!  Come and hear our exciting plans for the next term of fundraising foe our school and get involved!

7th January 

Today, Percy our Reception Penguin was spotted at our local Parkrun!  It looks like he enjoyed himself with our Reception friend. Members of our community take part in this event, if you would like more information visit 

3rd January

Happy New Year and welcome back to school.  It is great to see everyone back in school.  We are going to have a busy term starting with Year 5 taking part in a Young Voices concert, a huge event.  They will be tweeting from the event so make sure you follow us! @eastalndsschool. 

25th December

It has been a busy month.  PSA Christmas Fayre, Christmas Dinner, Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas productions and a visit to Church.  Visit our Twitter page to see our highlights. @eastlandsschool.  We would like to wish all of our community who are celebrating, a very happy and safe Christmas. 

8th December

Huge thanks to Warwickshire Wildlife Trust for the hedgerow planting session this morning. We're looking forward to watching our hawthorn, blackthorn, hazel and field maple flourish over the years.

2nd December

Our PSA Christmas Fayre returned this afternoon. It was great to see our community come together to have fun and try and win a prize.  And of course, there is always a queue for our infamous raffle boxes. Who will win one this year? We had a very special visitor… I wonder who that could be…  Thank you to our PSA, everyone who helped and all that came to be part of it.  

24th November

Over the next few weeks, we will be adding information here about apps and gadgets to help our community. Click the image for more information. 

20th November 

Please support our PSA by voting online in the green token scheme at Asda. They will donate money to transform the indoor courtyard area into a quiet reading and mindfulness area for our children. Thank you.

16th November 

We are super proud of our ABAs for presenting their own assembly today to tell the whole school about our next badge campaign. They looked awesome in their new hi-vis jackets and incredibly happy to promote their “positive postbox” from the Diana Award.  Thank you to our ABAs, Miss Stonell and Mrs Spyrou for all the learning activities you have provided for us across school during our Antibullying Week. 

14th November

What a great start to our Antibullying Week!  Amazing odd socks. 

13th November

This week in school is Antibullying week.  There will be lots of activities going on in classrooms.  Be ready for Odd Socks Day tomorrow by rocking with Andy and The Odd Socks! 

11th November

Today in preparation for Antibullying Week, Key Stage 1 found out how to be a bucket filler and Key Stage 2 spent time thinking about how we can 'Say No To Bullying Behaviour.'



11th November

Today we took part in a two minute silence across school at 11am.  We remembered

Lest We Forget Remembrance Day Sticker, Poppy Flower Decal, Car, Window,  Fridge | eBay

Our Year 1  children have created some amazing remembrance art. They all worked really hard using different techniques such as fork painting, sponge printing and finger painting.

6th November 

As a school, we are working towards being a National Online Safety Certified School. Please could you help us by signing up to the website? There is a lot of information there including webinars, learning courses and information about the latest games and apps. For Eastlands code, please see our letters to parents webpage.

3rd November 

We are very proud to share with our community, our new Digital Leader Pupil Leadership Team. They will be working very hard in school to learn more about being online and support others.  Well done to our selected Deputy and and Head Leaders.

1st November

A message from our PSA. The PSA will be selling drinks and cakes at the Christmas performances (no drinks at the 5:30 performance).  See Newsletter and below for the dates.  If you are a keen baker or are able to help sell cakes or drinks please get in touch with us!

31st October

Check our our twitter page this week for daily active travel tweets about how to make a difference when travelling to and from school. @eastlandsschool

31st October

Christmas Performances. These are scheduled as follows:-
Year 1 & 2—Monday 12th December at 9.15
Year 3 & 4—Monday 12th December at 2.00
Nursery and Reception—Tuesday 13th December at 9.15
Year 5 & 6—13th December at 5.30

We hope you can join us.  


31st October

Welcome back to school after the half term break.  Some dates for your diary...

  • TLC meetings  with class teachers. Monday 7th Nov Year 3 & 4 – 8.00 – 12.00 Year 5 & 6 – 1.30 – 5.30. Tuesday 8th Nov Year 5 & 6 – 8.00 – 12.00 Year 1 & 2 – 1.30 – 5.30.  Wednesday 9th Nov Year 1 & 2 – 8.00 – 12.00 Year 3 & 4 – 1.30 –5.30.
  • 14.11.22—Anti-bullying week
  • 02.12.22 - Non uniform day in exchange for a Christmas raffle item.
  • 02.12.22—PSA Christmas Fayre
  • 08.12.22—Christmas Jumper Day for ’Save the Children’
  • 09.12.22—Whole school out to Panto.(Oh no we are not, oh yes we are!)
  • 14.12.22— Christmas dinner at Eastlands
  • 16.12.22—Christmas Break
  • So much to do! 

21st October

Thank you to everyone who donated to our Harvest appeal.  The Rugby Foodbank were very grateful.

19th October

Our PSA would love to raise some money for our indoor courtyard area! Please see link to help us win £500. All you need to do is select the Rugby store and enter your email, make sure you check your email after you’ve voted and click the link to confirm! Thank you.

10th October 

Thank you to the parents and carers who attended the AR workshop this afternoon.  If you missed it or you would like to have another look we have added the presentation below. 

10th October

Be bright be seen! As the mornings get darker and the afternoons become darker earlier, make sure you can be seen by the traffic by being bright! See our school travel plan webpage for more details.

7th October

It is back!  Thank you to our PSA for organising the event. 

7th October

Our celebration class assemblies are back.  Year 3 shared their achievements with parents and carers today.  Smiles from children, parents and carers and teachers.  well done Year 3. 

29th September

Last week, we welcomed some new anti-bullying ambassadors to join our team as we held our first ABA meeting of the year. Lots of exciting plans for preventing bullying this year!

14th September

 Year 3 and 4 took part in their first music keyboard lesson today. They were all very enthusiastic and sounding good already. Well done Turtles and Rhinos.


9th September 

9th September 

Rugby Free Secondary School are holding an Open Evening on Wednesday 14th September 2022. To attend parents and carers will need to book a place (one ticket per person attending) on the Eventbrite link:

6th September 

Welcome back to our new school year and welcome to our new families.  We are going to be very busy this year. 


News - September 2021 - July 2022

Follow us on Twitter for more school news 

9th June 2022 

Our Kids In The Community group walked to St Peters and St Johns Church after school today. They received a warm welcome from Peter.  Peter shared his knowledge on the workings of the church organ, it was fascinating!  Thank you for allowing us to visit again.

9th June 2022

This afternoon at our after school Art Club, they enjoyed exploring 2paintapicture on Purple Mash. They used the different tools to create patterns.  Miss Tuckey was very impressed!

27th May 2022 

Today at Eastlands we celebrated the upcoming Queens Platinum Jubilee.  Our day started with an assembly led Mrs Edwards.  We had a very special regal visitor!  The Queen, her ladies in waiting and her bodyguards, popped in to say hello! There have been lots of different activities going on around school especially cake decorating! Before and After School Club made an amazing crown and cake art display together.  Reception followed step by instructions to draw their own pictures of the Queen and dressed up smartly.  Year 1 drew portraits too and we think they are fantastic!  Have a look at our memorable day. More photographs will be added soon. 

27th May 2022 Acclerated Reader 

Mrs Warrington is immensely proud of these Accelerated Reader Word Millionaires. Reading a million words is special, so becoming a Triple Millionaire is a rare event indeed!  And how amazing is it that two of our Year 1 children received certificates for reading over 50,000 words!  Keep reading everyone. 

27th May 2022

For more information about Secondary Schools Open Events, visit


26th May 2022 - Year 5 and 6 Rounders

Congratulations to our Year 5 and 6 rounders team who performed brilliantly at a local inter-schools tournament, finishing in third place. Great team work, we are proud of you. 

16th May 2022

Exciting Event Coming Soon...

See our newsletter for more information.


16th May 2022

Join us for walk to school week.

13th May 2022

Bake Off 2022 was a classic! Our Commonwealth Games theme prompted the sort of high level culinary creativity that makes the judges' jobs super tricky.  Have a look at Year 5 and Year 6 class pages for more photographs.

13th May 2022

Congratulations to our School Council for another amazing fundraising event for the Sightsavers charity.  Here are Year 1 showing off their funky sunglasses!

11th May 2022

Harris C of E Accademy are running a Multi Sport Holiday club and  Bikeability courses.  To book, contacct Harris directly. 

9th May 2022

Wow it is great to see so many plants coming back to school that our children have managed to grow over Easter.  Thank you everyone!

8th April 2022

Easter at Eastlands!

5th April 2022

It was great to be able to welcome families back into school to enjoy another fantastic Rock Steady Music concert this afternoon.  The children showed their passion for music and their confidence shone through.  Well done everyone involved. 


30th March 2022

Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are super proud of earning their first badge (well-being) today from The Diana Award.They have worked so hard & are looking forward to achieving the next one! Thank you Miss Stonell & Mrs Spyrou for supporting the group.

28th March 2022

Before and After School Club children have been very busy making a sea display. They have made salt octopuses and plate fish. They have also decorated seaweed with sponges, brushes and some glitter. They look amazing, well done!

24th March 2022

Today Eastlands helped to launch a Warwickshire Road Safety Education campaign!  It is all about making our community aware of cars idling and how much it can damage our climate.  Even our local PCSO's joined the Kids In The Community Club which is ran by Mrs Edwards.  Go Eastlands!

21st March 2022

Mrs Threadgold came to After School Club last week to show us how enrichment mats are made for young, trainee Guide Dogs. She showed us a prodder which makes holes in the hessian and how the strips of scrap cloth are pulled through. When the mats are complete, treats are hidden in the mats which the dogs can look for. We had a go at making some mats and have carried on making them this week.  We are sure the trainee Guide Dogs will have lots of fun with them!

18th March 2022

Today across school we celebrated Red Nose Day and raised money!  Since its launch in 1988, Red Nose Day has become a much-anticipated date in the calendar. It’s the day when people across the land join forces to raise money for brilliant causes in the UK and around the world. Here is Year 1 showing their support! 

17th March 2022

Team Eastlands took part in a netball tournement after school today. They showed excellent team work and throughly enjoyed themselves. They won 4 of their games out of 5. Thank you to Coach Mrs Spyrou and everyone who cheered them on! Go Eastlands!

17th March 2022

Our Kids In The Community Group walked to St Peters and St Johns Church after school today.  They learnt about the history of the Church and planted seeds for the future!  Thank you for having us. 

13th March 2022

Congratulations to Year 5 for being awarded runner up in the Warwickshire Safer Internet Day competition for their Kidsaber Guide To Staying Safe Online film. The judges comments were very complimentary.  

  • Creating a 'Kidsaber' to help children and young people online was such an original idea, and I loved the line about online safety never sleeping! You gave such a lot of detailed and helpful advice, very well done.
  • Excellent layout. You made the advice very catchy which makes it easier to remember and I love the creativity. Some great advice in there, very detailed! Well done.
  • This is a nice clear poster with important messages.  Well done.
  • Great poster! Some good advice their too!
  • A very professional guide with an inventive layout and clear information. A really in-depth guide, presented in an easy to access format. Great work!   

Thank you to Mr Clements for putting it all together. 

12th March 2022

After the Cross Country Trials today , 2 pupils were selected to compete in the county finals! A respectable 7th and 29th was achieved and everyone at Eastlands Primary School sends their congratulations and are super proud of their performance!  

10th March 2022

Today our lunch time reading club for Year 1 and  Year 2 has begun!  Children receive a golden ticket and are invited to go to our library at lunchtime to share and read new books!

9th March 2022

Nursery and Reception loved our visit from Cinderella today. They enjoyed making a wish with the magic fairy dust, learning the royal wave, bows and curtsies and asking her lots of questions. What a magical experience!

4th March 2022

Year One had a visit from Warwickshire Fire and Resuce this morning. They enjoyed learning about the firefighters' equipment and how it keeps them safe. We learnt the importance of testing our smoke alarms and what to do if we discover a fire. Then we practised Stop! Drop! and Roll!

4th March 2022

A huge "thank you" to everyone who helped make World Book Day a memorable and enjoyable time for our children. It was great to see so many children and parents last night returning to school in their pj's for a bedtime story and hot chocolate. Seeing them excited about sharing books, both during the school day and in the evening session, was an absolute joy!

11th February 2022

This week we have taken part in Safer Internet Day.  Here at Eastlands staying safe online is not just one day a year, it is everyday.  We have now joined up with National Online Safety to provide training, advice and support for Staff, Parents and Carers.  Eastlands parents and carers have a unique link to join up and access lots of different information to keep on top of the ever changing digital world.  Click HERE to read the Parents and Carers letter.  There is even a free app to download so you can access information wherever you are. 

28th January 2022

Today in our afternoon assembly, we said goodbye to Ms Haynes.  Ms. Haynes has been part of Eastlands since 1993!  She has worked with lots of children in different roles.  Each class made a card and said thank you to her.  We hope you enjoy your gifts for your garden. Thank you and enjoy whatever you do next. 

24th January 2022

Congratulations to our School Council on a very successful cake sale. Thank you to everyone who sent in cake!  We raised £115.05 for sightsavers.

7th January 2022

Our School Council are raising money for a charity called Sightsavers.  Every day, children around the world are going blind from eye conditions or diseases that are easily preventable. With our help, children could receive the straightforward treatments they need to protect their sight, giving them a much brighter future.  Our School Council are asking for dontations of cakes and for all of us to buy one! 

 7th January 2022

Happy New Year and welcome back to school.  It is going to be a very busy year.  It is good to be back and we have had 3 assemblies already!  We have a fundraising cake sale to look forward to!

5th January 2022 - Staff Training Day
All staff have thoroughly enjoyed  informative  Thrive Approach training today. We are  all excited to begin this well-being journey and embed what we learnt with our children and community.

Saturday 25th December 

We would like to wish our Eastlands Community a very Happy and safe Christmas. 

Friday 17th December

Have a look at our Christmas Performances.  Click the image to visit our class webpages. 

EYFS Year 1  Year 2 Year 3 Year 4  Year 5 and Year 6

Thursday 16th December

Today Father Christmas and his helpers (AKA The Rugby Lions Club) came to visit us.  We were so excited to see him!  We asked questions, sang him songs and we donated money to his favourite charity.  The Rugby Lions Club are committed to helping people in Rugby to live better lives. He gave everyone a special present which our PSA donated. Thank you to both our PSA and The Rugby Lions.  Thank you also for your dontations. 

Wednesday 15th December 

Today we are raising money for the Save The Children Charity by wearing our Christmas jumpers!  It is also Christmas Dinner day, Christmas Dinner is always a winner! A huge Eastlands "Thank you!" to our wonderful catering and midday supervisor team who have once again served the entire school an amazing Christmas feast. We appreciate all your hard work behind the scenes as you play your part in making magical memories. 

Tuesday 14th December 

Are you ready to rock?  Listen to our amazing Rock Steady Bands! 

Monday 6th December 
The whole school walked to St Peter and St John Church for a Carol Service.  We listened to the Nativity story, told through the story of Jesus’ Christmas Party by Nicholas Allen .

The Year ones were dressed as animals, angels, kings, shepherds, and Aiden in Year 6 was the Innkeeper. Four Year 6 children shared some Christmas readings. 

The whole school sang:  O Little Town of Bethlehem, We Three Kings and We Wish You A Merry Christmas.  Thank you for having us.


Over the last few weeks we have been visited by Rugby Youth For Christ.  Have a look at our assemblies page to see what they have been talking to our children about. 

Wednesday 10th November

Are you ready to take part in Odd Socks Day on Monday for Antibullying Week?

Tuesday 9th November 

Thank you for all of your harvest contributions. 

Sunday 17th October

As part of our Harvest celebrations, we would like to ask our school community to bring in an item during the coming week to donate to the Rugby Food Bank.  Thank you. 

Sunday 17th October

News from our PSA!  For more information, visit their webpage. 

Information about the Autumn disco and party can also be found there. 

Tuesday 12th October

A message from Avon Valley School for Year 6 Parents & Carers. The majority of our Open Evening for prospective students, will be run as a virtual event. However, the school will be open between 4.30pm -6.30pm on Thursday 14th October for you to see our wonderful facilities.


Tuesday 12th October

Free Music Groups & Ensemblesfor Students Across Warwickshire for more information visit 

Friday 8th October

Our PSA are looking for more support.  Find out about everything they do and how you can get involved by visiting their webpage... 

AGM MEETING - Wednesday 13th October 2021 at 6pm click HERE for an invitation. 

   This will be held on zoom - 

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 750 2663 2631

    Passcode: Eastlands

Friday 8th October

As a school, we participated in raising money for "Hats 4 Mental Health" for Coventry and Warwickshire Mind.  It was great to see so many different types of head wear!

Tuesday 5th October 

The results of our parents and carers survey can be viewed on our October Newsletter. 

Friday 10th September

Reading support in school, can you help? We are looking for volunteers to hear readers, so pop a note in your child’s Home School Communication book if you are interested and able to support our children. Your support in this will be much appreciated.

Port Elliot Primary School - Volunteer Induction Tuesday 22nd June, 9am.  Would you like to help in your child's class, listen to reading, attend  excursions, or help with fun lunch? Volunteer Inductions

Friday 10th September

We use the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme in school. This is a complete literacy programme which teaches reading and writing to younger children and provides additional support for older children who need to make rapid progress to meet National Standards. All Nursery & Reception parents are invited to an information session about Read Write Inc. on Monday 27th September at 5pm. This will provide you with a range of information about the programme and enable you to support your child’s learning at home.

Friday 10th September 

Information for current Year 6 parents and guardians from local secondary schools.

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Wednesday 8th September

Our September newsletter has just been published.  Take a look...

Newsletter - News - Cardiff University

Wednesday 8th September

We would like to invite you to a Meet the Teacher meeting on Monday 13th September at 3.30pm.  1 parent/guardian per household only please. If you are unable to make it, a powerpoint presentation will be available on the class pages after the meetings. 

Image result for meet the teacher

Monday 6th September

We would like to welcome everyone to the start of the new academic school year. We do hope the summer break was restful. An especially warm welcome to all families new to Eastlands Primary School. We are looking forward to an amazing year! 


Sunday 5th September

We are all looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! We hope you are excited. Sleep well.


Our Previous News

4th March 2021

World Book Day

This years World Book Day was a little bit different as it was celebrated at school and at home.  It was great to see lot's of our home learners dressing up too during the live lessons.  Have a look at the amazing costumes worn today.

23rd February 2021

Thinkusaurus Visit Eastlands

Today at Eastlands, we had very special visitors!  4 of the Thinkusaurus team came to a very windy outside area.  They danced, waved and made all of our children, and adults smile.  Thank you for coming (in your dinner break from secondary school) to see us.  They said they will be back again soon! 

15th February 2021

Competition Time - Design a Logo

We have been contacted by the Hillmorton and East Rugby Together Community Group to ask if our school would like to take part in a competition. They are asking you to design a new logo. The winner will receive £30 of books and £100 of books for their school library. 2 runners up will each receive £10 of books from our local independent Usborne Book Seller. The group have sent you a letter with all the information you need. Good luck!

Click HERE to download the letter and the template.

14th February 2021

St Valentines Day 

It all started with a letter from a local community group asking our children to take part in a project in Hillmorton.  The Hillmorton and East Rugby Together (HEaRT) community group is for the benefit of all residents in Hillmorton and East Rugby which includes Eastlands.  To brighten the friendly bench which is on the Hillmorton Green, they asked all primary schools to send messages of love for everyone to read as they passed by.  Our children sent in some lovingly created poems, pictures and letters.  15 were chosen to appear on the bench.  Please visit the bench if you are out on your daily exercise, it is truly heartwarming.  We will display all the learning around school so we can all  'feel the love.'  Thank you to the HEaRT Community group for putting this all together. 

One of the poems has been narrated by a member of the community, listen below.  

Wow! One our pupils appeared on Coventry and Warwickshire BBC radio on Valentines Day. Press the play button below to listen! 

9th February 2021

Safer Internet Day 

Both at home and at school, we took part in Safer Internet Day.  We started with assemblies;  Early Years and Key Stage 1 had a visit and a story from Smartie the Penguin.  Have a look at our youngest children singing the Smartie song! 

Learn with Smartie here. 

Key Stage 2 thought about an internet we can trust.  Have a look at their learning. 

A great reminder about staying safe online. 

As our term comes to an end, we would like to wish you a safe and Happy Christmas. 

17th December 2020

Christmas Performances

Finally the day has arrived.  We are ready to share our Christmas Performances with you.  Visit our class pages to see Christmas around our school. 

16th December 2020

Winner Winner Christmas Dinner!

20th November 2020

Anti Bullying Week At Eastlands

Have a look at what we got up to. 

16th November 2020  

Anti Bullying Week

We are wearing odd socks today to celebrate our individuality and all the things that make us unique! It’s ok to be different

10th November 2020 

Andy and The Odd Socks!  Anti Bullying Week

To start our Anti Bullying week, on Monday everyone is invited to wear odd socks with their school uniform.  We look forward to seeing them! Have a listen to Andy and his bands new song written with the help of some school children. Get your air guitar ready. 

28th October 2020 

Support for Families

Over half term or anytime Family support workers are available across Warwickshire to listen, support and offer advice and guidance to families and professionals. To speak to a family support worker over the telephone, call 01926 412412, Monday to Friday between 9am - 4pm.


12th October 2020 

 Ready, Steady, Read, Listen Event.

Today we have launched our reading event in school.  View the video below to hear more about it. 

9th October 2020

At a time when it’s needed most, together at Eastlands, we supported  young people’s mental health on World Mental Health Day by wearing yellow.  #HelloYellow .  Take a look. 

30th September 2020

 Ready, Steady, Read, Listen Event.

To encourage a lifelong love of reading at home and school, we will be running a sponsored read or listen, depending on the age of your child, between Monday 12th October and Friday 16th October.  Click on the photograph below to read all about it. 

29th September 2020

Individual Photographs.

Today everyone had their September 2020 school photograph taken.  There were lots of smiles and cheese!  Proof cards with order details will follow soon. 


24th September 2020

Congratulations Nursery.

Many congratulations to our Nursery Class who have been awarded a Warwickshire  WIncKS Award. They have demonstrated excellent inclusive practice in supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families.  Well deserved!



20th September 2020

Virtual Secondary School Tours.

Our local secondary schools usually have an open evening for our Year 5 and 6 parents to go to find out information for Year 7.  This year, most schools are showing a virtual tour of their school.  Follow us on Twitter @eastlandsschool as we retweet any information they share. 



14th September 2020

Key Information Class Powerpoints.

Please have a look at your child's class page for a key information for parents and carers powerpoint.  We usually have a meeting to welcome you and the opportunity to meet your child's teacher, but this year it is not possible.  


3rd September 2020 

It is so good to see everyone back at school and we hope that you have had an enjoyable summer.  Staff have been very busy getting ready for the Autumn Term.  We welcome Mrs Hopper back after her maternity leave.  Miss Stonell has returned to Eastlands and will be teaching Year 6 Pandas.  We welcome Miss Heales to our Nursery class and Mrs Chapman to our Reception class.  There is a lot of information about our COVID measures on our communication page.  Please keep returning to the page for updated information.  New updates can also be seen on our newsletters.  Please follow us on Twitter @eastlandsschool .  





September 2019 - July 2020



25th February - Cross Country

A very well done to the 17 competitors who represented Eastlands Primary School at Heat 1 of the Rugby Schools Cross Country. Spare a thought for the Parent’s cars! Thank you to the staff, parents and supporters that came along to give encouragement and support.   Also thank you to the children, your should all feel very proud. #ProperCrossCountry

22nd February - Nursery Places

Looking for a Nursery place for your child? Come and visit us on Thursday 26th March 5-6pm to ask any questions and take registration forms

22nd February - Help Needed! 

28th January -Young Voices

This afternoon, some of our children are off to join other primary schools to take part in a Young Voices singing extravaganza! It is an amazing experience. Have a look at the photographs below. 

We look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday 7th January 2020

Eastlands Primary School - The Lead Up To Christmas

19th December - Visit to Church

Thank you to Rev Sheila Bridge and St Peter and John Church for hosting our Nativity story this morning. What makes the morning extra special is overhearing the lovely conversations between our youngest and oldest children en route.  


Thank you for the reply to our tweet... 'Awh! @eastlandsschool these pics are fab! We had a great time, thanks so much for coming. Beautifully behaved children and some awesome singing!'

19th December - Message from Our PSA

We received this today...

An amazing amount raised since September.  A huge thank you to our PSA for all the hard work they put into raising funds for Eastlands children.  We hope you all have a restful and happy break. 


18th December - Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner

Winner winner Christmas dinner!  The hall was buzzing at lunchtime, all in the spirit of Christmas dinner.  Thank you to the catering team, the Midday Supervisors, the teachers and support staff for making the lunchtime extra special.  Looking good in Christmas jumpers too.  We raised an amazing £160.00 for Save the Children.  

17th December - Performances
So many amazing performances from our Eastlands children this week across the whole age range. This evening it's the turn of Years 5 & 6. A Year 6's  illustration clearly shows, there'll be mulled wine and mince pies afterwards. Thank you to everyone who has supported the children over the week.  Also thank you to our PSA for organising the cake sale. 












View our amazing singers and bell ringers here...



17th December - Rock Steady

Our Eastlands Rock Steady bands rocked the hall this afternoon and they were amazing! You can check out clips on our assembly webpage. Well done to everyone involved.


16th December - Last Week of Term

It is going to be a busy week. Christmas performances, including a cake sale. Christmas dinner, Christmas jumper day, walk to Church, singing at the care home and the end of term.  More details on the newsletter.


13th December - Year 1 - Year 6 Christmas Trip

KS1 and KS2 had a great time at the production of Puss in Boots today. How cheeky / inventive / resourceful of Year 6 to bring a giant "Pick Me" sign to boost their chances of seeing their teacher take to the stage. True sportsmanship on display!  Thank you to the staff and cast of the Belgrade Theatre.  Also thank you to our coach drivers. 


10th December - EYFS Trip

Early Years children were transported to the magical world of Raymond Briggs' Father Christmas at the Warwick Arts Centre this morning. It was a brilliant show with some amazing puppetry and live sound effects.Thank you to the staff and cast of the Warwick Arts Centre. 


10th December - Christmas Preparations

Around school you can hear the sound of Christmas performance songs, music and scripts.  Particularly catchy tunes in EYFS.  Year 6 explored the meaning of Christingle in their RE lessons.  They particularly enjoyed the practical part of their learning! 

6th December - Pre-loved Uniform Sale.  

Thank you to our PSA for organising a pre-loved uniform sale. A chance to plan for the future, replace lost items and help the planet.  Good to see Christmas Jumpers being recycled too!  All monies raised supports our children in school. Thank you to the school community for supporting this event. 

3rd December - Supporting the Wider Community

Thank you to our community for the generous gift of 70 kg of food for Rugby Food Bank. Your donations make a big difference to others. Also thank you for your contribution to the Operation Christmas Child Appeal—we donated 27 shoe boxes full of gifts to make Christmas special for some children. 

29th November - PSA Christmas Event

A big thank you to our Eastlands for organising a wonderful evening.  It was very busy.  Stalls, food and drink and the raffle were very popular. Great to see our Eastlands community come out to support the event.  A  wonderful way to start off the Christmas celebrations!

13th November - Kindness in Nursery

Nursery have been learning about kindness. To help them to  understand people’s feelings they went around the school handing out a special heart note and some sweets. They said they  saw other peoples faces with big smiles and that made them  feel happy too. Kindness is very important!  Well done Nursery. 

12th November - Messages from our PSA

11th November - Rotary Club Presentation 

Year 5 Elephants and Orangutans were delighted to receive their dictionaries from the Rotary Club of Rugby. We really appreciate their generosity in helping to promote a lifelong love of learning.

6th November - Anti Bullying Afternoon

In school next Tuesday we will be taking part in Anti Bullying learning.  The theme for this year is 'Change Starts With Us.'  Children are invited to wear odd socks for the day.  We look forward to seeing them!  


6th November - Remembrance Day

Today, Mrs Edwards led an assembly about remembrance day.  Together as a school, we thought about our values of resilience, perseverance and showing empathy and understanding.  Our Year 6 children will be selling poppies this week in school to help to raise money for the British Legion. 

5th November - Sports Morning 

Despite (or perhaps because of) the muddy conditions, Year 3 and Year 6 enjoyed their time at the Tag Rugby Festival hosted at St. Andrews Rugby Club Field this morning. Teeming rain not ideal for photos, but you get a sense of their commitment and camaraderie. Apologies for the muddy kit!  



18th October - Support For Families 

We have added some helpful information to our support for families webapge.

18th October- Wear it Pink

Today in school, we have the opportunity to wear pink and raise money for the  Breast Cancer Now charity. Thank you to everyone as we raised a huge £164.66! 


25th October - Supporting Our Environment

A huge thank you to the team from Xyleminc  who came to work on our school allotment plot. We now have four raised beds for the children to plant in, great progress!

17th October - School Council

Our school council met again with Mrs Edwards today.  They want to share their minutes from their meetings and they have added them to the website.  Have a look. 

October - Spooky Disco

Our PSA are organising a spooky disco for the children!  We hope you will be their to support them and enjoy yourselves

8th October - Operation Christmas Child

Today children will be bringing home a leaflet with information about Operation Christmas Child. Maybe you could pack a shoebox with small gifts such as a hairbrush. toothbrush, crayons or even hair clips for a child less fortunate.   Find out more information here

22nd September - House Teams

In school, each of our children are part of a house team.  During lessons, assemblies, on the playground and around school they have the opportunity to earn house points.  We now have Year 6 house captains and they have been introduced to the school during an assembly.  Congratulations on your new role! 


Pine  Ash  Holly Oak


18th September - Harvest Appeal

For our harvest collection this year, we will be supporting the Rugby Foodbank Harvest Appeal. Please send your donations into school and we will display them by the main entrance.  Many thanks for your support.

August 2019 - Summer Holidays

Although school is closed to the children, there has been a lot going on.  Teachers have moved classrooms, new displays have been put up, there have been building works, our library has had a fresh bright makeover and there has been a lot of work in the school grounds.  Mr Roberts has overseen everything, thank you Mr Roberts.  Thank you to the PSA who have been in to help particularly in the library. Thank you to the staff, parents and children who helped out with the allotment.  On August the 1st, a group of employees from Cemex came to Eastlands to lend a hand for the day.  Thank you to Mr Townsend, one of our parents, for arranging this.   What a difference a day can make.  We are looking forward to sharing the changes with you in September. 

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