Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Year 5 Orang-utans 2022 - 2023

Miss Stonell  would like to welcome you to the Year 5 webpage.  Follow us on twitter @eastlandsschool

If your child is off school and they are well enough to learn, please use the Oak National Academy or BBC Bitesize.         

Oak National Academy Learning at Home
Please click the image below to view our Curriculum Year Plan Please click the image below to view 'What children should know and be able to do when they leave Year 5'.


If you would like a sneak peek at what our Year 5  pupils will be learning each week, why not click on the image to view our most up-to-date class timetable (Note: As we progress through the year, our units of focus will vary dependant on the topics being taught. Therefore, the hyperlinked document will be updated regularly).


Knowledge Organisers

Here are the Year 5 Knowledge Organisers for the Autumn Term.

Please also see above our curriculum year plan to see when we will be using these knowledge organisers in lessons.

Geography History Science French Music Art Design Technology Religious Education Computing
Autumn Term


For extra stories to share, visit for a wide variety of books! 

1st March - Macready Theatre Visit

Building on the firm foundations of the drama workshops run at EPS by the wonderful students of Rugby School,  our Y5 children took a new script and turned it into a performance within an hour, showcasing narration, sound and physical theatre. They enjoyed the experience under lights and exploring behind the scenes.

9th February 2023 - Team GB Athletes Visit EPS!

A memorable day at EPS as Team GB athletes Joel Fearon and Katie Stainton delivered an inspirational assembly and coached all classes to build their courage, work ethic and sense of enjoyment through sport. EPS Magazine Journalists interviewed the pair during the lunch break. You can watch the Podcast with video intro and outro here: 

or listen to the audio and see an image gallery on the EPS Magazine website here.

2nd February EPS Magazine

Y5 and Y6 journalists have been working on the EPS digital Magazine over the past three months. You can see their work here

11th January 2023 - Young Voices Concert

We are all immensely proud of our Year 5 Young Voices Choir! After months of learning melodies, harmonies and dance moves, the children joined close to 7000 other singers at the Resorts World Arena in Birmingham to perform to a crowd of thousands! Their energy and enthusiasm shone throughout the show. It's a long day with a demanding rehearsal schedule, so we're extra proud when staff from nearby school groups commend our children for their focus, positivity and splendid behaviour in public. Enjoy our backstage video clips and photo gallery.

9th January 2023 - Young Voices Parent Meeting

Thank you to those who were able to attend the Young Voices meeting yesterday. If you weren't able to please click the image below to find the powerpoint of key information.

25th November - Year 5 Celebration Assembly

We are super proud of our Year 5's and how hard they have worked during their first term. It was a difficult job to choose superstars for each subject however all of the children were thrilled to receive their awards in recognition of their hardwork.

Please click the image below to see all of the work and awards that were given.

14th November - Antibullying Week

Today in PSHE, as part of our Antibullying learning, we made our own supportive network hand.  We chose 5 adults we could turn to for support.  We also added the emergency services, CEOP, our school website and Childline. Have a look at what Childline can do to help anyone in need of support. 

14th November - Odd Socks Day!

Today is Odd Socks Day to start our Antibullying Week.  We could wear odd socks to express ourselves and show what makes us all unique!

10th November      Mountaineering Tragedy News Reports


As part of their Mountains theme, Y5 Orangutans stepped into the studio to deliver their news reports about an expedition to Everest. We were struck by their confident performances in front of the camera.

12th October      Rugby School Drama Workshop

Today, we welcomed Rugby School students in for the first of our drama workshop sessions. We learnt that drama is much more than just acting and involves lots of good communication skills including listening. We used physical theatre to create inanimate objects in an attempt to bring them to life, including working microwaves, washing machines and even lawn mowers. Year 5 are very excited to see what this year's drama workshops hold and how we can use this opportunity to develop our confidence in speaking out loud and expressing our thoughts and opinions constructively.

11th October      Livin' on a Prayer

For their music topic this half term, Year 5 have been learning lots about the genre of 'rock', exploring artists from across the years including: Queen, Status Quo and Chuck Berry. We have listened to and learnt the lyrics for Bon Jovi's Livin' on a Prayer whilst also learning how to perform as a group with the correct rhythm, tempo and dynamics. This was especially difficult when we were learning the notes for the glockenspiel instrumental because we quickly realised that if we didn't all play at the same tempo the song no longer sounded like itself. 

30th September     Green Up Your Act Workshop

Year 5 and 6 enjoyed an environmental workshop with Phil from Green Up Your Act. From sustainability to food miles, recycling to soil quality, we have lots to think about and put into practice on our journey to a greener future. Enjoy harvesting the micro-greens!

23rd September       Problem-Solving in Maths involving rounding

In Maths, we worked in teams to solve challenging sets of problems that required our reasoning and rounding problem-solving skills. We took responsibility for our own learning by working collaboratively and understanding that not everyone will solve a problem in the same way. We know it is important to persevere with a challenge and to lean on one another for support.

21st September    Coventry Cathedral Art Trip

We thoroughly enjoyed our day at Coventry Cathedral, exploring the art, symbolism and history of our nearest city.

12th September

Thank you to those who were able to attend the "Meet and Greet".

For those who were unable to or would like to refer back to the presentation, please find it attached below here.

Please feel free to contact Miss Stonell at school if you have any questions regarding the information here.

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