Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Eastlands Primary School Curriculum

At Eastlands we strive for quality education through outstanding teaching and learning by holding the highest expectations of all our pupils.

Our Vision statement is Empowering & Preparing for Success in a changing world.

Our curriculum is carefully designed with this vision in mind. 

Click here to see our Equality and Diversity statement.

Click here to see our SEND Information report.


Also see our Vision & Aims page.

Children at Eastlands have a say in their learning using discussion, dialogue and debate as powerful tools. We take pride in putting children first, knowing each child’s strength and needs so ensuring no child is left behind.  Nurturing the whole child is our goal.  Our commitment to quality education includes strong community links. Our curriculum is inclusive and every effort is made to ensure that it is accessible to all pupils.

With this in mind our curriculum is designed with the following aims:


~ to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of pupils at Eastlands Primary School

~ to promote positive attitudes towards learning and school life in general

~ to enable all pupils to achieve their full potential, both academically and personally through reflection of our school values

In order to achieve these aims, we have identified four “Curriculum Drivers” that are reflected through all topics and themes. Teachers’ planning ensures that these drivers run coherently across the school and through every subject.

Curriculum Drivers should relate to the needs of our school, our pupils and our community.

Our four Curriculum Drivers are:

~ Our Place in Our World

~ Language & Oracy

~ Learning Skills

~ Personal Development

Underpinning all learning in school is a relentless focus on the acquisition of the basic skills of reading, writing and using numbers. Without these abilities, children will not be able to access other forms of learning and therefore they are crucial to enabling every child to reach their potential.

Click on the subject title to find out more information. 

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