Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Accelerated Reader Millionaires 


14th January 2023

Mrs Warrington is always proud to award certificates to our Accelerated Reader Word Millionaires, as they recognise the achievement of students who have immersed themselves in the world of books and shown dedication to broadening their literary horizons. Congratulations to you. 

27th May 2022

Mrs Warrington is immensely proud of these Accelerated Reader Word Millionaires. Reading a million words is special, so becoming a Triple Millionaire is a rare event indeed!  And how amazing is it that two of our Year 1 children received certificates for reading over 50,000 words!  Keep reading everyone.  Click to enlarge the photograph. 

Congratulations to our children for reading a million or more words!

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