Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Year 4 Rhinos 2023 - 2024

Mr Northedge and Mr Batchelor would like to welcome you to the Year 4 webpage. 

Follow us on twitter @eastlandsschool

Click the image below to view our Curriculum Plan.

Coming soon. 

Click the image below to view 

'What children should know and be able to do when they leave Year 4'.

13th June - York Parents Meeting

Thank you to those who attended the York meeting for Parents. For those who were unable to or would like to refer back to the slides, please find below the slides from the meeting.

10th May - Swimming Information

Please find here the child-friendly powerpoint of our swimming information. Year 3 & 4 have been through this powerpoint with us in school so we are providing the information for you to look through at home too.

3rd May - Celebration Assembly

With lots of topics covered this year so far, it has been great to celebrate everyone in our class. Thank you to all who came and enjoyed our assembly with us. If you would like to see it again or were unable to attend please see below:

8th March - Class Assembly

Thank you to all parents who came to see us celebrate the 'High Expectations' of our team; it was great to see the parents and carers joining in for the song at the end!

If you were unable to attend, please see the assembly below and some photos from our wonderful morning.

22nd December - Christingles

After learning about the symbolism behind a christingle, Year 4 decided that they wanted to make their own. We learnt what the different elements meant for those who follow the Christian Faith:

  • the orange (the world)
  • red tape (God's love for the world)
  • 4 cocktail sticks (the four corners of the world)
  • sweets/fruit (gifts from God)
  • candle in the centre (Jesus/God).

It was great to see our candles lit and and creating so much light within our classroom.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

27th October - Celebration Assembly

Well done to all Year 4's for a fantastic start to the year. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend. The children really do appreciate seeing their parents there to receive their awards. If you would like to take a closer look at the work that was awarded or you were not able to make it to watch our assembly, please see the presentation below:

18th September - Meet and Greet

It was lovely to see so many parents and carers this afternoon.  If you were unable to join us or you would like to look at the presentation again, please click the document below.

Please click the image below to view our Curriculum Year Plan:

Parent and Carers Guide To Google Classroom. Click the image below for support.

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