Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Eastlands Childcare Booking System: 

  • A list of booking opening dates are available on the Before and After School Club section of the Eastlands’ website along with a booking form (please see end of page)
  • To book your children into either Before or After School Club you will need to download the booking form and email it to the Booking Coordinator at from the date that bookings open. The closing date for bookings is the 15th of every month. 
  • When you have sent your email you will receive an automatic email confirming receipt.
  • Please check ParentPay over the following days so that you can make a payment when your dates have been entered, a text regarding this may also be sent out as an extra reminder. You will be unable to make any changes yourself to the booking on ParentPay.
  • Payment is due by the 15th of the month prior to your bookings. 
  • An email will be sent to parents letting them know if certain dates are not available. 
  • If, for some reason, you are unable to use email, please request a paper booking form to fill in. Paper booking forms will be marked with date & time on receipt in school, they will then be processed in line with email bookings. 
  • Every booking request will be booked in accordance with our admissions policy criteria, which is available in our prospectus, on Eastlands website. 
  • Bookings will be made using the date and time which we receive the request, on a ‘first come, first served’ basis only. 
  • You will be able to book for more than one month at a time but the following will apply: 
    • You are booking the same days (or very similar) for each month. 
    • Once booked the days will not be altered (dates may be added, we will not be able to remove dates once booked), these bookings will be charged. 
    • Payment will be due by the 15th of the month for the following month. If any payments are late all future bookings will be removed from Parent Pay and bookings will have to be made monthly. 

Please note the following important information: 

  • Any email that is sent to us must have a subject of ‘Booking’ or ‘Enquiry’ in the subject field. If your email is not correctly labelled this may delay processing. 
  • We can only book your child/ren in if we have spaces available; if you have sent your booking form in late then we may not be able to book your child in.
  • Booking forms received before the opening date will not be entered until forms sent between the opening and closing dates have been processed. 
  • No bookings will be made where there is an outstanding payment due on your account in any circumstance. 



         Opening dates for booking for the following month:

2nd September 2024 (for October)
1st October 2024 (for November)
4th November 2024 (for December)
2nd December 2024 (for January)
7th January 2025 (for February)
3rd February 2025 (for March)
3rd March 2025 (for April)
1st April 2025 (for May)
1st May 2025 (for June)
2nd June 2025 (for July)
1st July 2025 (for September)

                      Before & After School Club booking and registration forms:-  

   CLICK HERE for completing electronically & email to  Please use this method where possible stating 'registration' in your email subject line.

  CLICK HERE for the registration form if you would like to print a paper copy (paper copies are also available from B&A Club or the school office)  

  CLICK HERE for a booking form to complete electronically & email to  Please use this method where possible stating 'booking' in your email subject

  CLICK HERE for a booking form to print a paper copy (paper copies are also available from B&A Club or the school office) 




Without exception payment is due by the 15th of every month for the following month's bookings (for example:  payment for June bookings is due by the 15th May).

               If payment is not received by the 15th all future bookings will be removed. You will be able to pay through ParentPay. or via childcare vouchers. 




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