SaMonday and Tuesday 2nd and 3rd September 2024. Staff Training Days, school closed to children. Enter text...
Future term dates:
Latest School Events
- Singing Assembly07Oct2024
- British Values Class Assembly08Oct2024
- Whole School Assemebly Hosted by Staff or a Visitor09Oct2024
- Singing Assembly14Oct2024
- Parents and Carers Phonics Workshop for Reception and Year 114Oct2024
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm @ School hall.
At Eastlands, we use Read Write Inc (RWI) to teach Phonics. On Monday 14th October, we would like to invite Parents/Carers of children in both Reception and Year 1 to a short information session. This will be at 3:30pm in the school hall, led by Mrs Hope (English Lead) and Mrs Birnie. Within this session, you will find out how we teach reading, what your child will learn, phonics groupings explained, how to use the books that children bring home and ask any questions you may have about Phonics. Please see the website for more information: We look forward to seeing you then