Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Year 1 Polar Bears 2023 - 2024

Mrs Hopper, Miss Tuckey, Miss Facer and Miss Fiddes would like to welcome you to the Year 1 webpage. 

Follow us on twitter @eastlandsschool


Click the image below to view our Curriculum Plan

Click the image below to view

'What children should know and be able to do when they leave Year 1'. 

Our Trip to the Space Centre!

We had an amazing time at the Space Centre, thank you so much to all the helpers who came with us. 

Enjoy watching our video about what we saw... 

Class Assembly 

Thank you to all the grown ups who came to our class assembly. We enjoyed sharing our learning with you.

We retold the story of Traction Man, sung songs and shared pieces of writing. 

Dress to Express!

We looked fantastic on Dress to Express day!

We chose clothes which showed how unique we are. We created kindness signs and held them on our kindness walk.

Easter Bonnet Parade!

We had an amazing time showing off our Easter Bonnets in the parade. 

22nd December - Design & Technology 

This half term our Design & Technology unit was 'sliders & levers.'

First we explored story books which contained sliders and then had a go at making a gingerbread man slider. Next we chose to create a Christmas card with a slider. We thought about who the user of our card would be. We chose the things which our user would like and created a design. We followed our design carefully while make our cards. They turned out great!

13th December - Christmas!

We have had a wonderful time on the run up to Christmas. Our Christmas play was spectacular! Check out the photo of the cast below!

We were invited to experience the Interactive Nativity at Paddox Methodist Church. We loved meeting the characters from our story and learning all about their lives. Take a look at the video below!

24th November - Celebration Assembly! 

Thank you to all the grown ups who joined us to celebrate the amazing learning we have done so far in Year One. Please watch our assembly below!

9th November - Remembrance Day!

 Year One have discussed the importance of Remembrance Day. We talked about the sacrifices soldiers made for our freedom. 

We also learnt about the different colour poppies we might see on Remembrance Day. Did you know purple poppies are used to remember the animals which were important during the War? Dogs and horses had important jobs to do the help the army. 

We used tools on Purple Mash to create our own poppies. Take a look at our designs below!

29th September - Autumn Update!


Year One have made a fantastic start to their Year! We have enjoyed learning about our non-fiction book '10 things I can do to help my world.' You can share the book at home by watching the video below. Year One then wrote their own books about how they would help their world. 

To help our environment Year One made bird feeders. First we watched a video about how to make a bird feeder, then we ordered instructions and looked at their features. Then it was time to make our bird feeders. We hung them up around our outdoor area and are looking forward to identifying the birds we see. Perhaps you could follow our instructions at home to make your own bird feeders!


This half term our Art unit is called Drawing: Making your mark. We started by experimenting with the different kinds of lines we could make. Then we responded to music while drawing. We listened to Debussy’s ‘La Mer’ and drew lines to represent the sea and the waves we could hear in the music. 

Next we explored the lines we could in 2D shapes, we identified straight and curved lines. Then we saw what happened when shapes rotated and overlapped with each other. We used 2D shapes to make Geometric Art. We explored the different media we could colour our shapes with. 

18th September - Meet and Greet

It was lovely to see so many parents and carers this afternoon.  If you were unable to join us or you would like to look at the presentation again, please click the picture below. 

Need help logging on to Purple Mash at home? Click the icon below for our step by step guide.

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