Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

News September 2024 - July 2025

Welcome to our news page!  We will add information and news to this page so come back and visit regularly!  For more information, visit our Newsletters page. 

February 2025

We cannot believe it is February already.  This month we will celebrate National Storytelling week, we have a morning drop in for well-being and emotional regulation, a disco and half term!  Keep an eye out for newsletters and text messages so you know what is happening in school.

Thurs 13th February— Glow Disco
Fri 14th February—School closes for half term
Mon 24th February—Pupils return to school
Thurs 27th February —World Book Day
Tues 4th March—Class Photographs .
Fri 11th April—School closes for Easter.
Tues 29th April—Pupils return to school.

Termly Learning Conferences (TLCs)
Please look out for details of when and how you can arrange a meeting with your child’s teacher
Monday 10th March-Nursery & Reception - -12.30-5pm
Tuesday 11th March– Reception—8am– 11.30am
Thursday 13th March- Nursery– 12.30– 5pm
Monday 17th March– Yrs 3&4 8am-11.30 and Yrs 1&2 1.20pm-5.10pm
Tuesday 18th March– Yrs 5&6 8am-11.30am and Yr 3 1.20pm-5.10pm
Wednesday 19th March– Yrs 1&2 8am-11.30am and Yrs 5&6– 1.20pm5.10pm
Thursday 20th March– Yr 4 8am-11.30am

14th February 2025 

We wish you a restful and happy half term break.  We look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday 24th February. 

13th February 2025

A huge thank you to our PSA for organising our great Glow Disco this evening.  So many smiles and so many moves!  We look forward to the next one!  Thank you to our staff who helped out too. 

12th February 2025

A reminder of what is happening tomorrow...


12th February 2025

Today in school, we took part in Safer Internet Day with the help of our Digital Leaders! Safer Internet Day is the UK’s biggest celebration of online safety.

Our day started with a whole school assembly where our Digital Leaders and Miss Tuckey taught us all about the theme ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online'.  Well done to your all for sharing important information and speaking very clearly.  

We continued our learning back in our classrooms.  


To support Parents and Carers, please click HERE for a newsletter from Connect For Health, the School Nursing Service. 

11th February 2025

A reminder for Year 4 Parents and Carers that there is a York meeting tomorrow (12th February) tomorrow at 3.25.  Thank you. 

Update.  Thank you to all the Parents and Carers who attended.  If you were able to come or would like to read the information again, please see the Year 4 class page to read the presentation. 

3rd February 2025

We are celebrating National Storytelling Week in school this week.  Our whole school assembly today was all about our favourite books hosted by Mrs Hope.


5th February 2025

Wake up Wednesday!  Can you spot fake news or a scam?  Have a read through this information to help you. Please click HERE.

3rd February 2025

This week in school we will be celebrating storytelling.  There will be activities going on in the classroom including sharing our favourite books from home on Wednesday and buddy reading on Friday.  Storytelling is so magical and so much fun!  Keep your eye out for texts with information about what we are doing.  Photographs will follow! 

3rd February 2025 - News from our PSA

Nursery and Reception Glow Disco Tickets:

Year 1 & 2 Glow Disco Tickets:

Please add your child's name in the message option when buying a ticket. Please note you will not receive a paper copy of the ticket. Thank you. 

Please drop in on Thursday 13th February for a chat, coffee, tea and biscuits! 

January 2025

Welcome back to school.  We wish you all a very happy and peaceful New Year.  

Edible cake toppers | Happy New Year ...

  • Thursday 13th February - PSA Spring disco.
  • Friday 14th February - School closes for half term.
  • Monday 24th February - Pupils return to school.
  • Tuesday 4th March - Class Photographs.
  • Thursday 6th March - World book day.
  • Friday 11th April - School closes for Easter.
  • Tuesday 29th April - Pupils return to school 

  • Information with be sent out later in the term about our next TLC meetings. Nursery and Reception week beginning the 10th March 2025 Year 1 to Year 6 week beginning the 17th March 2025.

December 2024

December has arrived and there is a lot going on this month!

  • 6.12.24 - Non uniform day in exchange for a Christmas raffle item.
  • 6.12.24 - PSA Christmas Fair See November news for more information about our PSA Christmas Fayre
  • 12.12.24 - Christmas Jumper Day for ’Save the Children’
  • 17.12.24 - Christmas dinner at EPS
  • 18.12.24.-  Early Years Visit to Macready Theatre.
  • 20.12.24 - School closes for Christmas Break
  • 7.1.25 - School re-opens to pupils
  • Christmas Performances
  • Tuesday  10/12  9:15am Years 1 & 2 performance
  • Wednesday 11/12 9:15am EYFS performance
  • Thursday 12/12 2pm Years 3 & 4 Musical - Recorder/keyboards performance 
  • Thursday  12/12 5:30pm Years 5, 6L,6O UKS2 Carol Service
  • Our PSA are looking for volunteers, please let them know if you can help!

19th December 2024

Today Santa came to visit each of our classes.  He very generously gave us all a present with help from his elf and our PSA!  Smiles and excitement all round. Happy Christmas to all of our community. 

15th December 2024

We are starting our last week of the term.  We still have lots going on this week!

17.12.24 - Christmas dinner at Eastlands!

18.12.24 – EYFS trip to the Theatre and KS1 and

KS2 visit to The Temple Speech Rooms.

20.12.24 – KS1 and KS2 visit to Church.

20.12.24 - School closes for Christmas Break.

6.01.25 – Staff Training Day – School closed to pupils.

7.01.25 -School re-opens to pupils.

15th December 2024

BREAKING NEWS...  Our PSA have just announced the total they raised in December!  Hands on knees drum roll please.... A huge £3238.00! An amazing total, thank you all so much for your hard work and dedication. 

12th December 2024

Our PSA have been very busy again this month.  Our Christmas Fayre was a great success with so many of our community attending and so many smiles.  Father Christmas even made an appearance! Also thank you for providing refreshments at our Christmas performances.  All the money raised benefits all of our children in many different ways.  Thank you all for giving your time and for making our events fun!

12th December 2024

Today in school, we are wearing our Christmas Jumpers and raising money for Save The Children. Since 2012, Save The Children has organised the day each year to encourage people to raise money to support the charity's mission of helping children facing war, hunger and poverty. We raised £141.50.

November 2024 

Welcome back to our new half term.  

With the darker evenings, we will be taking part in Road Safety activities across school. 

Being visible to other road users is important all year round, whether walking, cycling, scooting or wheeling. However, it is especially important during the autumn and winter months when days are shorter and evenings longer. 

We can improve our visibility and help drivers and other road users see us by wearing light, bright and fluorescent clothing or accessories in the day, and reflective clothing or accessories in the evening.  If cycling, we must make sure our bicycles have a working white front light, and red back light. 

A simple message is to help us remember this is ‘Be Bright Be Seen’. 

Term dates.-  For more information, see our November Newsletter. 

  • Termly Learning Conferences TLC information letter plus TLC and assessment leaflets are available on the letters page, school website. Please ensure you have booked an appointment. 
  • Our school council have decided they would like to have a non uniform day for Children in Need on 15th November. We can wear yellow or spotty clothing! All donations will be sent to the Children In Need Charity. 
  • 14.11.24 - Anti-bullying day
  • 29.11.24 - Yrs1-6 trip to Panto.
  • 6.12.24 - Non uniform day in exchange for a Christmas raffle item.
  • 6.12.24 - PSA Christmas Fair
  • 12.12.24 - Christmas Jumper Day for ’Save the Children’
  • 17.12.24 - Christmas dinner at EPS
  • 18.12.24.-  Early Years Visit to Macready Theatre.
  • 20.12.24 - School closes for Christmas Break
  • 7.1.25 - School re-opens to pupils

10th November 2024

Upcoming events arranged by our PSA.  Please let them know if you can help.  Take a look at what they do on their webpage. 

Santa's Grotto is now open for bookings, please click the link  to book tickets. Santas Grotto Please ensure to add your child's name to message section when buying tickets. Thank you.

11th November 2024

As a school, we remembered on the 11th of November at 11 o’clock.

14th November 2024

Our ABA team lead the learning across school for Antibullying and Odd Socks Day.  They spoke clearly and with confidence to share how we should choose respect.  It was great to see so many of us wearing odd socks!  Learning took place in classrooms afterwards.  Nursery made a friendship heart! Sing along with Andy and the Odd Socks! 

16th November 2024

We raised money for Children In Need by wearing spots or yellow.  We raised £197.00!

As a school we have reached 10,000 house points! We had a whole school reward of a games afternoon.  Well done to everyone. 

20th November 2024

As a school, we are working towards a Road Safety Award.  This week is Road Safety Awareness Week and Mrs Hope hosted an assembly about being a Road Safety Hero!   There are so many ways that we can all be road safety heroes. If you make the safest choices by the road and encourage your friends and family to make safe choices as road users too, we can all work together to reduce the number of people injured on Warwickshire’s roads. How are you going to be a hero next time you are near the road?


Coming up...Years 1 – 6 are off to the pantomime at Coventry Belgrade.  Oh no we’re not, oh yes we are!  And Early Years are off to The Macready Theatre. We appreciate the financial support from our PSA. 

October  2024

Enjoy half term.  We look forward to seeing you 4th November.

Christmas Performances will be here before we know it!  Below are the dates for your calendar. 
Tuesday  10/12  9:15am Years 1 & 2 performance
Wednesday 11/12 9:15am EYFS performance
Thursday 12/12 2pm Years 3 & 4 Musical - Recorder/keyboards performance  
Thursday  12/12 5:30pm Years 5, 6L,6O UKS2 Carol Service.

Our PSA are looking for volunteers, please let them know if you can help!

Term dates.-  For more information, see our October Newsletter.
14.10.24 — Phonics Workshop for Reception and Year 1 Parents and Carers 3.30pm
24.10.24— PSA Autumn disco.  See 23rd September entry below. 
28.10.24—Half term week—school closed
Week beg: 4.11.24—EYFS—Termly Learning conferences. More information to follow. 
Week Beg: 11.11.24 - Year 1– 6 TLCs,  More information to follow. 
18.11..24—Maths Mastery Workshop for Parents and Carers. 3.30pm.  More information to follow. 
20.12.24—Christmas break - School closed
06.01.25—Staff Training day — school closed to pupils
07.01.25 — New Term. School open to pupils

Parent and Carers Workshop—Phonics Information Session
At Eastlands, we use Read Write Inc (RWI) to teach Phonics. On Monday 14th October, we would like to invite Parents/Carers of children in both Reception and Year 1 to a short information session. This will be at 3:30pm in the school hall, led by Mrs Hope (English Lead) and Mrs Birnie. Within this session, you will find out how we teach reading, what your child will learn, phonics groupings explained, how to use the books that
children bring home and ask any questions you may have about Phonics. Please see the website for more information: look forward to seeing you then

September 2024

Welcome back to all of our familes and hello to all of our news starters.  It has been lovely to see all of our new Nursery and Reception children who have started school brilliantly over the last 2 weeks.  

Welcome to our new staff, it is great to have you join us as part of Team Eastlands. Great news that we have shared is that Mrs Warrington has returned to Eastlands after being at Northlands for 2 terms.  We are very excited that Mrs Warrington is now our co headteacher alongside Mrs Edwards, congratulations. 

The main school pedestrian gate is unlocked from 8.40 all day for access. The back ‘field’ gate is open at 8.40 in the morning and 3.15 in the afternoon. We ask that  your child should be in class and ready to learn by 8.50. . 

Diary Dates: 
16.9.24—3:30pm, Meet & Greet with new class teacher & parents for Years 1 –6
24.09.24—Individual photos
28.10.24—Half term week—school closed
Week beg: 11.11.24—EYFS—Termly Learning Conferences. Information will be sent to you. 
Week Beg: 18.11.24 - Year 1– 6 Termly Learning Conferences.  Information will be sent you. 
20.12.24—last day of term before Christmas Break 

22nd September

Our PSA are meeting tomorrow evening.  Join them if you can!  Your support is very much appreciated. 

23rd September

Spooky disco will be pre-booked tickets only.

Reception and Nursery tickets: Spooky Disco (

Year 1 tickets: Spooky Disco (

Year 2 tickets: Spooky Disco (

Other year groups ticket sales will follow soon. Please remember to add your child's name in the notes section when buying tickets. Thank you. 

26th September 2024 

A lot of our Antibullying Ambassadors have now moved on to secondary school so we are recruiting!  Thank you for all the interest we had on joining the team.  We are looking forward to receiving your application forms and we will be introducing our new team soon!  Mrs Vikmanis and Miss Evans. 

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