Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Year 6 Leopards 2023 - 2024

Miss Stonell and Mrs Humphreys would like to welcome you to the Year 6 webpage. 

Follow us on twitter @eastlandsschool

Please click the image below to view our 'Curriculum Year Plan'

Please click the image below to view

'What children should know and be able to do when they leave Year 6'.

Year 6 Timetable

If you would like a sneak peek at what our Year 6 pupils will be learning each week, why not click on the image to view our most up-to-date class timetable (Note: As we progress through the year, our units of focus will vary dependant on the topics being taught. Therefore, the hyperlinked document will be updated regularly)


7th June - Residential Trip to Skern, Devon

The time has arrived for our class to go on a residential trip to Skern Activity Centre in Devon.  For all the latest news, depending on internet connection,  follow us on X (Twitter).  Some photographs will appear here each day . 

Sunday - Day 3

Saturday - Day 2

Friday - Day 1

24th May - Year 6 Celebration Assembly Summer 2024

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our final celebration assembly. All children should be proud of everything they have achieved this year so it was an absolute pleasure to celebrate their achievements with you all. Please see the assembly below for the work that we celebrated. Well done Year 6!

22nd May - Skern Meeting

Please find below the slides from the Skern meeting. If you have any further questions, please contact Miss Stonell via your child's HSCB.

18th April - SATs Meeting

Thank you to everyone who attended (and took part in) this year's SATs meeting. For those who were unable to attend, please find the slides below. If you have any further questions regarding SATs at Eastlands, please speak to Miss Stonell.

7th March - World Book Day

In the midst of all of the SATs preparation, it was great to take a day of fun as we dressed up as our favourite book characters and chatted all about our favourite books and authors.

19th January - Drawing Circles

It is always a challenge to learn how to use a compass but Year 6 have mastered it beautifully today! We have learnt the relationship between the diameter and the radius and used a compass to demonstrate these.

18th January - Unconventional Art

After researching Diego Rivera's artwork, Year 6 hunted around their homes to find unconventional drawing tools. We sure did have a lot of fun experimenting with dipping our tools in 'ink' and creating art inspired by the Mayans and Diego Rivera.

7th December - Christmas Jumper Day

In Year 6, we had a really busy Christmas Jumper Day full of festive fun! The first of our dress rehearsals & a visit from Father Christmas himself! We also gave him a sneak preview when we sang him the song from our christmas performance too!

6th November - Gifted and Talented PE Day

Some of us were honoured to represent our class in a gifted and talented sports day where we were offered the opportunity to try lots of different sports and exercise activities.

23rd October - A "Scientific Buzz"

The start of our science topic began with exploring static electricity. We charged balloons and measured the strength of the charge through experimenting how much confetti we could lift.

19th October - Tag Rugby Festival

Today, we visited the Tag Rugby festival and played in teams to showcase our sporting skills. It was great to be out in the environment competing in the community.

11th October - Mayan Mask Creations

We explored the similarities and differences of Mayan masks and then created our own battle, ceremony or death masks. Take a look at our creations below.

10th October - When Toys Visited Year 6...

In conjunction with our current class reader "The Land of Neverendings", Year 6 received a visit, to their English lesson, from many different types of toys and characters. This is was exciting opportunity for us to use our vocabulary and writing to bring our soft and furry friends to life.

6th October - Year 6 Celebration Assembly

Well done to all Year 6's for a fantastic start to the year. We have all worked our socks off in a variety of subjects so it was refreshing to be the first class to celebrate our achievements so far this year! If you would like to take a closer look at the work that was awarded or you were not able to make it to watch our assembly, please click the image below to see our presentation.

3rd October - Spreadsheets!

Our computing topic for this half term is spreadsheets. We have used a data collection spreadsheet to explore the probability of rolling certain or different numbers on a dice. This turned into a fun, friendly competition of who could reach the highest amount of each number.

18th September - House Captains 

Our first piece of writing was focused on the tools (not rules) of formal writing so that we could perform strong speeches to become House Captains or School Councillors. It was incredible to see so many children putting themselves forward for these Pupil Voices roles in our school community

18th September - Meet and Greet

It was lovely to see parents and carers this afternoon.  If you were unable to join us or you would like to look at the presentation again, please click the picture below.

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