Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Year 2 Tigers - 2021 - 2022

Mrs Hope  and Miss Huggins would like to welcome you to the Year 2 webpage.  Follow us on twitter @eastlandsschool

If your child is off school and they are well enough to learn, please use the Oak National Academy or BBC Bitesize.

Oak National Academy Learning at Home

Watch this useful guide for Key Stage 1 assessments. 

Please click the image below to view our Curriculum Year Plan Please click the image below to view What children should know and be able to do when they leave Year 2



4th July - Sports Day

Splendid weather, superb performances and supportive families - we're so glad that you got to see Sports Day in person. If you weren't able to make it, here's a gallery of images from the day.

Year 2 Music - Zootime
We had great fun playing the glockenspiels in our Music lesson this week. We played the notes C and D to accompany our Zootime song! We also tried to sing along at the same time as playing... all children were superstars.  
We also performed our piece to Mrs Edwards and Miss Towers too! Great work Year 2!

Year 2 would like to wish you a Happy Christmas!

Tuesday 16th November

Welcome to the Year 2 celebration assembly!

We are so proud of our celebration certificates! 

Monday 15th November

Antibullying Week and Odd Socks Day

Today we wore odd socks!  It celebrates how different we all are and that we are all unique!  During this week , we will be learning more about bullying behaviour. We really enjoyed a dance with Andy and the Odd Socks.  All we need is 'One Kind Word' to make the world a better place. 

Friday 11th November

Time to be creative in our art lesson this afternoon. We have been creating different shades of green using the primary colours, yellow and blue.

Tuesday 26th October

Dear Year 2 Parents and Carers,

We welcome you (virtually) to our Autumn Term Class Assembly. 

We have been learning all about Harvest time and the changes which happen during the Autumn season. We would like to share two poems which tell you all about the wonders of these special times of year. 

P.S. Please turn your volume up, as high as you can, so that you can hear us reading out the poems.

We hope you enjoy. 

Mrs Hope and Year 2 Pupils.

Friday 22nd October 

Today is the last day of our first half term and to celebrate, we are having a Go Conkers Celebration!  We look amazing in our outfits.  Thank you to the PSA for organising our event.

Friday 8th October Hats 4 Mental Health Day

Year 2 are proudly wearing their hats for mental health day and raising money for our local MIND charity. 

15th September

Please click HERE to view our Meet the teacher Parent and Carers presentation. 

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