Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Children's University


Children's University is run by the Children's University (CU) Trust. The learning is linked to Higher Education course provision, in other words: if you can aspire to do a degree in it, then Children's University wants to know! For example: football would be considered Sports Science! Here at Eastlands we will be running Children’s University for all KS2 pupils.

All afterschool clubs offered at Eastlands will be recognised by Children’s University meaning that your child will gain credit for attending. In addition to school based activities, there is a growing number of recognised Learning Destinations in the wider community. I have been trained as a Children’s University validator in order to assure the quality of learning offered as part of the local Children's University provision. This means I am able to validate external clubs across the Rugby area which are currently used by your children or recommended by yourselves. Attached to this letter is a list of all the current validated learning destinations where you can get credit for visiting in the local area. If you know of any additional learning destinations you would like to be accredited please fill in the slip below and return to the school office ASAP.

Children's University students use Passports To Learning (very similar to travel passports) in which they record the number of hours of completed CU validated learning activities by stamp/sticker awards. Children are encouraged to progress through the CU Certification scheme, based on the number of hours of attendance throughout their involvement with the Children's University. Bronze, silver and gold certificates are awarded at CU Undergraduate, CU Postgraduate and CU Doctorate levels. The certificates are usually presented at a graduation ceremony organised through the local Children's University. The CU process continues up to the age of 14, at which point it focuses more on volunteering.

The purpose of Children’s University is plentiful. Attendance has been proven to raise attainment at school, contribute significantly to children’s confidence, wellbeing and ambitions. As a school we want our clubs to be accessible for all, therefore there will be a wide variety of free after-school clubs as well as paid ones. One of the main aims of Children’s University is for all children to have the opportunity to participate, so that the greatest impact can be made.

Membership to Children’s University costs £5.00 which includes your child’s passport and registration. There is a new tab under ‘classes’ on our school website which will provide you with additional information about Children’s University should you wish to find out more.


Find out more about participation in Children's University by watching the following film:

Take a look at the following video to see images from our first experience of a Children's University Graduation Ceremony (2015):

Take a look at the official video of our pupil's Children's University Graduation ceremony last year kindly produced by a student society at Warwick University - BFT Productions.



Take a look at our Children's University achievements in the 'Achievements' area of our website.


Please click on the links below to access the most recent documentation from Children's University:


Children's University Letter KS2 November 2015


Parents Guide to the 'Passport to Learning'

Learning Destination Nomination Form



Learning Destination Watch - February 2016

Learning Destination Watch - Postcodes/Areas


Easter Activity Challenge

Learning Destination Watch - Easter