Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Year 6 Leopards 2022 - 2023

Mr Northedge would like to welcome you to the Year 6 webpage.  Follow us on twitter @eastlandsschool

Key Stage 2 SATs Meeting

If your child is off school and they are well enough to learn, please use the Oak National Academy or BBC Bitesize.                 

Oak National Academy Learning at Home

Please click the image below to view our Curriculum Year Plan Please click the image below to view 'What children should know and be able to do when they leave Year 6'
If you would like a sneak peek at what our Year 6 pupils will be learning each week, why not click on the image to view our most up-to-date class timetable (Note: As we progress through the year, our units of focus will vary depending on the topics being taught. Therefore, the hyperlinked document will be updated regularly).
Year 6 - Class Timetable


Knowledge Organisers 

Here are the Year 6 Knowledge Organisers for the Autumn Term.

Please also see above our curriculum year plan to see when we will be using these knowledge organisers in lessons.

Geography History Science French Music Art Design Technology Religious Education Computing
Autumn Term

For extra stories to share, visit for a wide variety of books! 

9th February 2023 - Team GB Athletes Visit EPS!

A memorable day at EPS as Team GB athletes Joel Fearon and Katie Stainton delivered an inspirational assembly and coached all classes to build their courage, work ethic and sense of enjoyment through sport. EPS Magazine Journalists interviewed the pair during the lunch break. You can watch the Podcast with video intro and outro here: 

or listen to the audio and see an image gallery on the EPS Magazine website here.

2nd February - EPS Magazine

Y5 and Y6 journalists have been working on the EPS digital Magazine over the past three months. You can see their work here

January 20th 2023 - Ukrainian Story Time

Children at Eastlands Primary School enjoyed a special Ukrainian storytime as part of a colourful fundraising day in support of Ukrainian refugee families in Rugby.  Tatiana, whose family is hosted by a family with Eastlands connections, shared a bi-lingual story with Reception and Year 6 before answering children's questions about Ukrainian traditions and culture as well as her own journey.
"I miss my own country, of course, but I have found English people to be so friendly and helpful. We really appreciate your support and the way you have made us so welcome," Tatiana said.
Miss Shipp, Reception Teacher, added, "The children had lots of thoughtful questions about the conflict in Ukraine that showed real empathy with families who have had to leave their homes. I think it's important for them to find out about a situation they're aware of in the news by meeting a real person who has been impacted. To hear a story in the Ukrainian language was really powerful."

January 13th 2023 - Science

Y6 Scientists have conducted hands-on investigations into pitch, utilising straws and champagne flutes!

January 2023 - Outdoor Skills

Y6 Leopards continue to take part in an onsite Outdoor Skills project on Friday afternoons. Mr Clements, a qualified Forest School Practitioner, works with groups of four children on a range of outdoor activities to promote teambuilding and boost confidence, featuring bushcraft elements such as safe working with tools and fire. It's a great way to build camaraderie and to get ready for the Skern residential!

December 2nd - Celebration Assembly

A huge "thank you" to all the parents and carers who supported our Y6 Celebration Assembly this morning. We reflected on individual achievements and the collective growth on display since starting our Year 6 journey. Well done, Leopards - we are immensely proud of each and every one of you.

You can access the slideshow here or watch the slideshow below.

14th November - Antibullying Week

Today in PSHE, as part of our Antibullying learning, we made our own supportive network hand.  We chose 5 adults we could turn to for support.  We also added the emergency services, CEOP, our school website and Childline. Have a look at what Childline can do to help anyone in need of support. 

14th November - Odd Socks Day!

Today is Odd Socks Day to start our Antibullying Week.  We could wear odd socks to express ourselves and show what makes us all unique!

4th November      Sound Investigations

Year 6 explored the ways sound travels through solids, liquids and gases, making connections between what they experienced and the particle models of those states of matter. 

20th October      DAW-inspiring soundscapes

As an end-of-half-term finale, Year 6 students played their part in creating an oceanic soundscape inspired by their class text, Struan Murray's Orphans of the Tide. Using a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) called Ableton Live Lite, a MIDI keyboard and digital sounds sampled by Spitfire Audio (including the BBC Symphony Orchestra), the children created a baton relay of cello sounds. You can see part of the process and enjoy the final mix below:

We always enjoy our digital interactions with the authors whose books we read together as a class. 


30th September       Green Up Your Act Workshop

Year 5 and 6 enjoyed an environmental workshop with Phil from Green Up Your Act. From sustainability to food miles, recycling to soil quality, we have lots to think about and put into practice on our journey to a greener future. Enjoy harvesting the micro-greens!

Growth Mindset: Setting Goals for the Year Ahead

We're excited about the new school year that lies ahead of us. Year 6 students reflected on areas of potential growth and used an infographic technique (a radar chart or spider chart) to show their thoughts visually. We're looking forward to supporting each other as we strive to reach our goals.

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