Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Reception - Penguins

Mrs Goff and Mrs Thomas would like to welcome you to the Reception class webpage



To you from us

Eastlands have  created a support network sheet for you to complete if you feel you would like to. It is made up of those people around you who look after you, help you when you have a problem, listen to you when you are talking, laugh with you when you have fun and make sure you are healthy and well cared for.  Who is part of your supportive network? Although you are not coming to school, we can still be there to support you.  With a grown up, can you make a supportive hand?  Click on the picture to download a hand. 

Click HERE for a parents guide. 

There have been big changes in our lives because of coronavirus, so the Children's Commissioner has created a children’s guide to coronavirus to help explain the situation. The guide aims to answer children’s questions about coronavirus, tell children how to stay safe and protect other people and how to help them make the best of their time at home. Click on the picture below to download the guide. This will take a few moments. 


Please click HERE to view the Read Write Inc phonics presentation. 

Autumn Term 2019

Key Information:

P.E. Days: Tuesday and Thursday



Key Texts: Image result for blue penguin front cover  Image result for monkey puzzle front cover

This term, our topic is All About Me. We will be exploring the curriculum including Personal, social and emotional development, Physical development, and Communication and Language  with themes such as families, homes, looking after ourselves and feelings through key elements of these stories.

Literacy: Daily name writing and recognition, phonics, fine motor development (pencil grip)and letter formation. We will be writing speech bubbles, captions and labels

Maths: Finding and continuing patterns, number recognition, counting, number formation, adding 2 small groups of objects, finding one more 


Alphablocks Phonics games

Numberblocks Games

Thank you for coming to our welcome meeting on 16.9.19. You can find the Powerpoint by clicking here.






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