Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

EPS Antibullying Ambassadors 

November 2024

Our ABA team lead the learning across school for Antibullying and Odd Socks Day.  They spoke clearly and with confidence to share how we should choose respect.  It was great to see so many of us wearing odd socks!  Learning took place in classrooms afterwards.  Nursery made a friendship heart! Sing along with Andy and the Odd Socks! 

October 2024 

Welcome to our new ABA team!  They will be out on the playground very soon, we are proud of you all. 

September 2024

Welcome back to school everyone!  A lot of our Antibullying Ambassadors have now moved on to secondary school so we are recruiting!  Thank you for all the interest we had on joining the team.  We are looking forward to receiving your application forms and we will be introducing our new team soon! 

Mrs Vikmanis and Miss Evans. 

6th March 2024

The newer ABAs attended some in person training from The Diana Award. It was a very exciting day of learning how to recognise bullying behaviour and the impact it can have.

If it is:

  • repeated
  • negative
  • intentional

It IS bullying.

22nd November 2023

We are celebrating Anti-bullying week in school this week.  It all started on Monday with odd socks day!  So many bright and colourful odd socks showed how unique and creative each one of us is. 

Anti-Bullying Week is a way of raising awareness about bullying. It is a week when we learn about bullying and how to deal with it. Our ABA's shared lots of information with the whole school in assembly.  They even have a positive postbox and a poster competition so everyone can get involved.  Let's make a noise about bullying!  Thank you to our ABA's for working so hard everyday in our playground. 

14th October 2022

Our ABAs have had a very busy start to year and have already had 3 meetings to decide what actions we will commit to this year. First on the agenda was to order our very own personalised Hi-Vis jackets to make us more visible on the playground.

Last year, we were very proud to win the 'Well-being' badge for our hardwork and dedication to raising well-being across our school. This year, we have decided to work towards the 'Respect' badge which links really well with our school value of 'Respect'. Our main goal over the next four years is to win all of the Diana Award badges.

Do make sure you check back here or on our twitter to see our progress towards our 'respect badge'.

29th September 2022

Last week, we welcomed some new anti-bullying ambassadors to join our team as we held our first ABA meeting of the year. Lots of exciting plans for preventing bullying this year!

30th March 2022

Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are super proud of earning their first badge (well-being) today from The Diana Award. They have worked so hard & are looking forward to achieving the next one! Thank you Miss Stonell & Mrs Spyrou for supporting the group.

25th November 2021

Please click the image below to see a summary of all our hardwork during Anti-Bullying week, on this year's theme, "One Kind Word".


18th November 2021

Thank you to our Antibullying Ambassadors and Staff Leads for the hard work you have put into our Anti-Bullying Week.  Well done for speaking with confidence and pride in our whole school assembly. On Thursday you conducted a pupil survey around school to gain the voice and views of all the children around school to help them improve in the future.  To finish our week you supported classes with their compliments assemblies and you were able to listen to all of the kind words that are being shared around school. We are proud of you! 

Are you ready for Antibullying Week 2021?  Sing along with Andy and the Odd Socks!

September 2021

We are glad to be back at school and ready for a new year!  We have our new AntiBullying Ambassador badges and we are ready to help our school community! 

6th July 2021

Introducing our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors for next year! This morning’s virtual training is currently underway. Lots of discussion and sharing of ideas!  Come back soon to see everything they are doing across school from September. 

2019 - 2020

Back to school after the summer holidays and meetings have already taken place. All of our Year 5 ABL's want to remain in the team for Year 6 which is great and they have already  been introduced to the school in an assembly. Decisions have been made to select a new president and vice president and these will be decided at a meeting on 23rd September with Mrs Thomas. Time tables will then be drawn up and ABL's will be on the playground during lunchtimes to support the children.  Year 5 children will have the chance to apply to become an ABL next year so they can shadow the team ready to take over.  

2018 - 2019

Meet our September 2018 - July 2019 Anti Bullying Leaders. 

Thank you for working on the playground all year round.  Sadly we say goodbye to one of our team but we wish you every success in your secondary school! 

15th November 2018 - Antibullying Week Class Assemblies

Today our ABL's visited each class to support the teachers with their Antibullying Week assemblies.  They introduced themselves, shared why they wanted to be an ABL and where they could be found on the playground.  A child in year 4 commented that 'they were really good, it was good to have them as part of our assembly.'  Well done to you all. 

9th October 2018 - Lunchtime Meeting - Training

Over lunch we discussed bullying behaviour, how it feels and what it looks like. We know how to deal with any incidents that happen in our playground and how to discuss what could happen next.  We use the display in the hall to ask the other children questions and help to find the solution.  We are VERY excited to get outside and have a new timetable.  You will all be amazing, well done.  

13th September 2018 - Lunchtime Meeting

Today we met to select our President and Vice President.  After everyone spoke about why they thought they would make a good President, we took a democratic vote.  It was nerve wracking during the count!  Finally Sophie received the most votes and Georgina was next.  Congratulations to you both on your new position.

7th September 2018

Congratulations to everyone who was successful with their applications.  You will make great ABL's. 

6th September 2018

Great to see so many children attend the information session today.  I am looking forward to reading your application forms on Monday!

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