Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Reception Penguins 2017 - 2018

Miss Haynes and Mrs Ryan would like to welcome you to the Reception Class Webpage!

Time to say goodbye...

Autumn Term 1

Is everybody's home the same?

Subsidiary questions

What is your home like?

What is a home like in the Arctic?

What can we do to be safe at home?

Who lives in a house like this?

What does every home have?

Who lives in a castle?



It's been another busy couple of weeks in Penguin's class where we have been learning lots of new things.

In Maths we have started to sort and match objects. We went on a nature hunt and found lots of objects, such as leaves, to sort into different categories. We also sorted ourselves into different groups, such as hair colour and boys and girls.

For our learning challenge we have been learning all about families and we drew some lovely pictures of our own family which have been put into our learning journal books. If you go out at the weekends, such as going to special events, please bring in a photo etc which we can add to your child's learning journal as it would be lovely to have home contributions in the books too.

Just a reminder about the phonics sheets being sent home, please keep practicing these letters with your child at home, encouraging the correct letter formation. These can be kept at home.

Next week we start our houses and homes topic and we will starting this topic with a walk of our local area on Monday which we are looking forward to :-)

We have had a fantastic start to Reception. It's been a busy couple of weeks familiarising ourselves with new routines and getting to know lots of new friends. We have explored all the lovely things in our new classroom and in our outdoor area. For the start of our 'All about me' topic, we painted our self-portraits which now look super on our walls.

We met our new Year 6 buddies on Monday and they came to play with us for the afternoon. Our buddies are going to help us on the big playground at lunch times and look after us.

We also had our first PE lesson with the sports coach this week which was very exciting and we followed instructions really well as we played some fun games.

This week we also started RWinc phonics lessons with Fred the Frog and we have been learning the set 1 sounds 'm,a,s,d,t'. Phonics sheets are being sent home each time we learn a new sound and these sheets can be kept at home so your child can continue to practice these sounds with you regularly. There will be a RWinc workshop on Monday 25th September at 5pm for parents to provide you with all the information and support you need to best support your child's phonics development at home.


Autumn Term 1

Prime learning challenge question

What do I know about me?

Subsidiary questions

How am I the same? How am I different?

What makes a family?

Why do I look like I do?

What I like best is...?

Where in the world do my family come from? 

What can I do with my body?


Helpful websites to support this Learning Challenge:


Below is the powerpoint from our learning meeting with parents.

Sports Week Dancing! 20th June 2018

Class Trip to Brandon Marsh -  June 2018

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